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We are a Private Billing General Practice.

We provide a comprehensive range of health services.

The experienced and highly-qualified team of Doctors

and Nurses practice only the latest in medical care.

And the friendly and always accommodating

administrative team will make you feel right at home

at our Practices.

Disabled car parking is available.

Please advise reception if you require a wheelchair.


Please advise reception if more than one member of the family is to see the doctor, so that extra time can be allocated to reduce waiting times.


Please notify reception staff of your arrival. We are an appointment based practice, however emergencies can be accommodated.


Not all appointment types can be booked online,

please call reception if uncertain.


Standard consultation appointments are approximately 15 minutes.

Some appointments may take longer and may need to include Nursing staff. This may include counselling, vaccinations, health assessments, or if for multiple or extensive medical conditions, or any procedures.

Any medicals (including pre-employment, TruckSafe, driving and insurance), Centrelink forms, and Advance Health Directives also will require extra time.


Please phone if a long appointment is required.

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